
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar


At St Uny CE Academy, it is our intent that our pupils will be able to read and write fluently, be adventurous in their language choices, and write for pleasure by the time that they leave us. In order for these aims to be realised, it is crucial that our pupils are provided with the knowledge and skills to spell accurately. It is our intent to provide pupils with a knowledge of morphology (word structure) and orthography (spelling structure) through regular, engaging, multi-sensory spelling sessions. It is our intent to encourage pupils to apply their spelling knowledge in all areas of their independent writing and to equip pupils with a range of skills and approaches to tackle the spelling of more ambitious and unfamiliar words. We want to develop the provision of spelling to allow children to effectively communicate their ideas and to take delight in the patterns and contradictions of the English language.

EYFS - Children working at the expected level of development will be able to spell words by identifying sounds in them and representing the sounds with a letter or letters. This will be visible in the children's writing, where they can choose to write for a range of purposes e.g., invitations, postcards, labels. Children will also be encouraged to 'have a go' with their spellings and to re-read their writing to check for mistakes and to begin editing. 
Spellings - 
At St Uny Academy, we follow Jane Considine's 'Spelling Book' from Y2 to Y6. This approach provides a clear and systematic view for teaching spelling that provides children with life-long strategies. Children are taught to spell logically so that they understand how 'probability matching' of sounds heard to grapheme representation can strengthen their spelling. 
The underlying structure of the approach is based on spellings being taught, not caught, through explicit teaching, modelling, and defining as they practise, explore and investigate spelling hypotheses. 
Please see below for NC links for Y2-Y6 and the intended design and impact of the Spelling Book approach. 
English at a glance:
Please click on the links below to find out what we cover in our English curriculum in the different year groups.  These are taken from the English Programme of Study from The National Curriculum 2014.

St Uny C of E Academy
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