

Science Statement of Intent:

It is our intent that Science inspires, engages and challenges pupils. We aim to increase pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the world around us, develop key skills associated with the process of enquiry and develop transferable life-long learning skills. Science at St Uny CE Academy will develop the natural curiosity of the child, encourage respect for living organisms and the physical environment and provide opportunities for the critical evaluation of evidence. We aim for Science to be as practical as possible, meaningful to everyday life and support learners in discovering the answers to their questions about the world around them. Through the teaching of Science, we aspire to allow for personal development and encourage character development and curiosity through practical science and enquiry.

Working Scientifically is a core skill in Science and at St Uny CE Academy we use questioning to scaffold our investigations in order to develop our skills in:
Click on the documents below to view the progression from EYFS to Year 6.
Cross curricular links between Science and Maths
How Science looks in EYFS
Children at the expected level of development in Early Years will:
Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants
Understand some important processes and changes in the natural world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter.
Learning of Science is implemented at St Uny by continuous provision including opportunities to explore, investigate and experiment, using different objects and materials. Materials and their properties, forces, animals, birds, growing and lifecycles will be a focus in EYFS.
Continuous provision will include: daily use of the outside space, a range of equipment (e.g. magnifying glasses, magnets, pipettes), books and resources to support explorations of the natural environment.
The children's learning will be enriched and enhanced by visitors, educational trips and visits to the local library. Opportunities to explore high quality non-fiction texts will also be available within the learning environment.
Subjects will be explored through topic planning, the children's interests and observations of progress and understanding will be made on Tapestry.
We follow the National Curriculum for Science. The document below gives more detail about the topics covered across the school in Science. Please visit our class pages to find out more specific information about Science planning on our Medium Term Plans.
Education Endowment Fund research indicates that the ability to reason scientifically – by testing hypotheses through well-controlled experiments – is a strong predictor of later success in the sciences and that this skill can be developed through experiences that allow pupils to design experiments that require them to control variables.
SEND Support & guidance
At St Uny Academy, we aspire to give equal opportunities and high aspirations for all including those children with SEND. 
Below is guidance for teachers from the 'Primary Science Teaching Trust' to use to ensure that all pupils needs are met during Science lessons. The document explains a wide spectrum of special educational needs in detail and gives teachers ideas for how to support and adapt their lessons in order to meet the needs of the children with SEND.
Pupil Voice
"Science is technical - we get to learn about interesting facts". 
"We do lots of experiments and investigations". 
"We have quite a lot of Science in our homework challenges". 
"We learn a lot about the world around us". 

St Uny C of E Academy
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