

May 2023:

St Uny C of E Academy has been judged as ‘Good’ in all areas, with several areas of excellence.

Below are some of the examples of strength from the inspection report: 

“A culture of aspiration is influential, raising pupils' self-belief in what they can achieve. Learners develop strategies which help them overcome challenges, developing resilience”. 

“Pupils have rich opportunities to help them to discover their talents and shine”. 

“Learners appreciate that ‘shining’ is also reflected in how they treat one another. They point to Christian values and explain how they influence their actions. A high degree of dignity and respect is shown to all, modelled by staff. The importance of forgiveness is established, drawing upon Jesus’ example. There is a strong sense of being part of a caring family”. 

“Pupils’ relationships with staff are built on trust”. 

“Ensuring that all have the opportunity to ‘shine’ inspires leaders to provide highly effective support for pupils. This is an example of excellence. The school has a reputation for this support which attracts other pupils. Learners who need a new start to learning flourish. This changes attitudes, raises aspirations and enhances relationships”. 

“Leaders are totally dedicated, creating a vibrant Church school. A committed staff team work well together”. 

“Leaders make astute evaluations of strengths and areas to develop, consistently refining initiatives to raise their impact. Their passion is contagious, leading to examples of excellence. These include outstanding provision for the needs of all pupils”. 

“The provision for social and emotional development is significant. Staff support learners to develop individualised strategies which help them to be calm. Mental health has a high priority so all know positive strategies to use if they are worried”.

All Church of England Schools are subject to a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection every five years. There is a new schedule from September 2018 which reflects the Church of England's vision for education: 'I came that they might have life, life in all its fullness 'John 10:10. Educating for Wisdom, Hope, Community and Dignity.
The Christian Ethos Committee, school leaders, school community and stakeholders regularly evaluate the impact of the school's Christian vision on the outcomes and well-being for staff and pupils.

St Uny C of E Academy
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