Our Aims and Intent for Children's Learning in Music
It is our intent that music education inspires, engages and challenges pupils. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences, building their confidence and appreciation of music through exploration, composition and performance. Our teaching focuses on the importance of singing, the structure and organisation of music, description through music and aims to develop pupils’ appreciation of different forms of music. We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to experiment with different instruments and develop a life-long love of music.
At St Uny CE Academy, we use the 'Charanga Music School' scheme to ensure progression in skills and consistency in approach.
How the Scheme is Structured
Each Unit of Work comprises the of strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music:
- Listening and Appraising
- Musical Activities
- Warm-up Games
- Optional Flexible Games
- Singing
- Playing instruments
- Improvisation
- Composition
- Performing
All activities are based around a song.
- Games embed the Interrelated Dimensions of Music through repetition
- Singing is at the heart of all the musical learning
- Playing instruments with the song to be learnt - tuned/un-tuned classroom percussion and an option to play any band instrument. A sound-before-symbol approach is used but scores are provided as an understanding of notation is introduced to the children
- Improvising with the song using voices and instruments occurs in some Units of Work
- Composing with the song using instruments occurs in some Units of Work
How all Children are Supported in Music at St Uny