
School Dinners & Healthy Snacks

Children may eat either a school meal (a hot meal or a cold packed lunch meal) purchased at school, or bring their own packed (healthy) lunch. Through the government Universal Infant Free School Meal Scheme (UIFSM) all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for a funded (free) meal each day.  For KS2 children the cost per meal is £2.670. Children have the opportunity every day to decide if they would like the set meal of the day, an alternative choice or they can still bring a healthy packed lunch from home. 
Meals are prepared on the school site and staff work hard to ensure that children’s likes and dislikes are taken into account – please let us know if your child has specific needs (within reason!) regarding their diet.
Payments for school meals are taken through the school ParentPay system.
We do encourage parents to apply for free school meals if eligible (ask at the office for further details or see the information below). This is totally confidential and meals are organised in a way that does not identify any child as having a free meal. If you are eligible for this, your child may then have a meal on any day, even if on some days they bring in a packed lunch.
Healthy eating is an important aspect of encouraging children to develop a healthy lifestyle and your help in this area is appreciated. Water is always freely available.

School Council's Healthy Snack Policy 

Break Time Snacks:

All schools have a duty to promote healthy lifestyles, and to educate the children in our care to be healthy, so we only allow fruit or vegetable snacks at playtime (not crisps, chocolate, etc). Children can bring these in from home. 

Reception & KS1 children (Tehidy, Kynance and Poldark) are given a piece of fruit or veg every day for snack, as part of the School Fruit and Veg Scheme.

Pupils across all year groups are able to bring a healthy snack for morning break time, we do not encourage items such as crisps and chocolate. Please send your child to school with a bottle of water. 

Lunch Time Provision:

Hot and cold meals are available every day at school. For parents providing a packed lunch, please aim for food to be as healthy as possible. If lunch boxes contain snacks such as crisps and chocolate, children will be able to eat these at lunch time as part of their lunch – not as a morning snack.

We are a nut free school. 

Free School Meals

Not to be confused with the universal infant free school meals for all KS1 pupils, it is vital that all Key Stage 1 pupils who are eligible to claim Free School Meals are registered in order for schools to receive the Pupil Premium funding.  For more information visit our Pupil Premium page under 'Statutory Information'.

The 'Free Schools Meals Application Form' has been revised and is available as a download on the link below, or you can apply online.  Parents/carers can now complete one application for all of their children – whether it is for Free School Meals (so Year 3 and above who must pay for their school lunches) or for their child’s school to receive Pupil Premium only (i.e. for KS1 children who already receive a free school lunch).

St Uny C of E Academy
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