
Physical Education

Our Intent

It is our intent that PE inspires, engages and challenges all pupils at St Uny Church of England Academy, and that our PE curriculum is accessible to all, including those with SEND. We strive for all young people, from Nursery to Year 6, to have the opportunity to engage in a variety of sports and physical activities that will equip them with a range of opportunities to get active, enjoy sport, discover new and exciting talents and to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. We aim for all children to develop skills in both play and different sports so that every child has their chance to shine. We want all pupils to understand the importance of physical education and keeping healthy whilst developing lifelong learning skills such as teamwork and perseverance.

Pupil Voice
"I have developed my resilience when playing cricket because I used to get really frustrated when trying to keep my arm straight when bowling."
"I love PE. It makes me feel positive and happy and I love having fun with my friends!"
"I love trying out new sports. Archery is amazing. I have to listen carefully to instructions, as it can be dangerous."
"My favourite thing about school is competition. Sports day is so good and I love competing against other schools!"
Special Educational Needs
To ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum, each physical education lesson is planned and differentiated with considerations and alternative ideas for children with SEND. Lessons are built upon previous strengths and weaknesses and misconceptions are addressed during the lesson where possible.

St Uny C of E Academy
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